香港授權業大獎2020暨亞洲授權業大獎 2020頒獎典禮
將改為2月 26日 於網上直播
因應疫情最新發展,香港特區政府現正實施多項防疫控疫措施,包括社交距離措施,以減少人群聚集。因此,原定於 2021年 1月 12日假香港會議展覽中心舉行的「香港授權業大獎 2020 暨 亞洲授權業大獎 2020頒獎典禮」將改為 2021年 2月 26日 於網上進行直播,合共20個獎項將於頒獎禮上向公眾揭曉!
大會將以網上直播形式舉行,詳情如下: 日期﹕2021年2月26日 (星期五) 時間:下午3時 至 4時 (請於2時45分登入) 形式﹕網上直播 語言﹕英文和廣東話 費用﹕全免
(亞洲授權業協會 Facebook 專頁)

如有查詢,請致電 香港授權業大獎2020秘書處 3594 6722。
香港授權業大獎 2020秘書處
The Awards Presentation Ceremony of Hong Kong Licensing Awards 2020 & Asian Licensing Awards 2020
will be rescheduled and go virtual on 26th February 2021
Dear Sir/Madam,
In view of the current pandemic situation, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government has announced that social distancing measures will be maintained to minimize social gatherings and infection cases in coming weeks. Hence, the Awards Presentation Ceremony of Hong Kong Licensing Awards 2020 & Asian Licensing Awards 2020 first planned to be held on 12 Jan 2021 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre will be rescheduled and go online on 26 February 2021.
We would like to express our gratitude to you for your tremendous support for the awards. The details of the online ceremony will be announced soon.
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at 3594 6722.
Yours Sincerely, Secretariat of Hong Kong Licensing Awards 2020